Monday, August 31, 2009

Disney buys Marvel for four pieces of eight

If they turn my beloved Dr. Doom into some singing nincompoop, someone is going to get it.

Cinema as Time Machine

Inglourious Basterds is practically a perfect film. I already want to see it a second time, and I just saw it yesterday. Most will admit that Quentin Tarantino does a lot of things right as a director-- and he considered this one his epic movie.

In an earlier review, I mentioned that 2 and a half hours is too damned long for a movie-- but this film is over 2 and a half hours, and none of it is wasted. The only bits I found lengthy were the bar scene which perhaps could have been cut down a tad, but it all still works.

The movie is a revenge fantasy for Jews wronged by Germans during WWII. The Basterds are a group of Americans and switched Germans intent on destroying any Nat-zees around. While Brad Pitt is excellent, and his Italian character towards the end is often brilliant-- the best actor in the movie is Austrian Christopher Waltz who plays the super-villain "Jew Hunter".

Anyone who loves the cinema owes it to themselves to see this film. It's the first movie since Pulp Fiction to rival Pulp Fiction in its sheer audacity.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

This is why..

This site pretty much sums it up.

Just look at this ridiculously delectable stuff-- I would eat every single item on there, multiple times, in one sitting if I could.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Criminy on a stick

Yipes and yowzers it's been nearly a month since new posts! In that time, I've managed to take a fantastic vacation to Holden Beach, North Carolina, visit with Charissa, and sign up for my final class.

It's been a busy month.

The LED running went off very well, and I'm really hoping I'll get to do some spot duty for hockey games-- it'd mean I get to go to the games for free, and even get paid to be there! Hockey rules.

So my next big step is Poetry writing, or CRW1301 really. I need to finish this class and obtain a C+ or better and I am officially a graduate of the University of Florida. I'm fully ready to get this over with and have the diploma hanging on my wall.


OMG I love my Iphone.